Our amazing volunteer alumni invest their time and energy to help other spouses identify and utilize their strengths here in Okinawa and wherever their next adventure leads them. We recognize that knowledge is not a depletable resource, and our community is collectively stronger when we share our individual talents to help each other flourish and grow.
OLS was conceptualized in 2016 and actualized in 2017. Alumni of Camp Pendleton's Leadership Education Seminar who had moved to Okinawa recognized a need. We've continued to grow since then! In 2021, we were incorporated and attained 501(c)3 non-profit status. OLS has built a military spouse community that favors neither service nor rank and excels at supporting and empowering one another.
Our three-day intensive training empowers emerging leaders in the spouse community across all services and ranks. OLS provides an opportunity for spouses to learn and hone skills in leadership, communication, team dynamics and goal setting. These skills can be applied in the military community, as well as their personal and professional lives.